Thursday, October 27, 2011

Follow-up to #Rhee’s speaking engagements and major bank, big big bank « At the Chalk Face

Follow-up to #Rhee’s speaking engagements and major bank, big big bank « At the Chalk Face:

Follow-up to #Rhee’s speaking engagements and major bank, big big bank

by Chalk Face on October 27, 2011

See that picture? What is it? Yes, it’s a ball park. And that’s that I’m going to give you today, a ball park assessment of the major bank that Rhee is pulling in as a result of her speaking gigs over the last year. Am I using mixed metaphors? And if you missed previous commentary on this issue, see here and here.

Of ball parks and bank, here is a rough agenda of Mrs. Rhee’s contractual obligations since 12/13/2010:

Rhee attended a town hall-style event, sponsored by the Donnell-Kay Foundation