Saturday, October 8, 2011

Florida DOE Gets Caught in Their Own “Choice” Spin | Scathing Purple Musings

Florida DOE Gets Caught in Their Own “Choice” Spin | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida DOE Gets Caught in Their Own “Choice” Spin

While in the process of promoting its virtual school program, the Florida Department of Education’s blog, Florida Common Ground, had it’s own rhetoric thrown back in their face. After commenter LZ expressed concern that virtual school is not a good option for the unmotivated student or one who had little parental involvment, the DOE responded:

We appreciate your concern. Online learning has been a great medium for many students, helping them earn credits and make up credits through online learning. It has provided opportunities for students who were not successful elsewhere. However, we realize that it might not be a perfect fit for everyone. Online learning is just have one more choice students in Florida. Thanks for your