Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Kos: Political Dissent in a Time of (Economic) Crisis #OWS

Daily Kos: Political Dissent in a Time of (Economic) Crisis:

Political Dissent in a Time of (Economic) Crisis

My spouse, Leaves on the Current, an active member of the American Studies Association, told me to feel free to distribute widely the following statement:

Political Dissent in a Time of (Economic) Crisis
A Statement by the Council of the American Studies Association
20 October 2011

We are the public. We are workers. We are the 99%. We speak with the people here in Baltimore and around the globe occupying plazas, parks, and squares in opposition to failed austerity programs, to oligarchy, and to the unequal distribution of wealth and power. The loss of jobs, healthcare, and homes, the distressing use of mass incarceration and mass deportations, and the destruction of environments have brought so many households and individuals to crisis. We join with people re-claiming commons rights to public resources. We join in the call against