Saturday, October 8, 2011

Daily Kos: Desperately Seeking Someone

Daily Kos: Desperately Seeking Someone:

Desperately Seeking Someone

According to Charles Blow in this NY Times op ed that is the status of the Republican Party. As he puts it,

Republicans simply can’t find a competent, consistent candidate with whom they can fall in love and with which President Obama won’t mop the floor.
Any doubt about that seemed to disappear with the statements by Palin and Christie that they would not run (although it is worth noting the former's statement left open the possibility she would get in the race as an independent, which might be possible should Romney be the nominee).

Blow calls this an historic opportunity that is being squandered by the Republicans. After all, Obama's approval rating is down to 41% and Republican governors and state legislatures are moving to prevent significant numbers of those who supported Obama in 2008 from voting this time through their new voter id laws (about which more anon).

Yet, you cannot beat someone with no one.; And as of right now I am of the opinion that none of the ten currently in the race can defeat Obama where it matters, in the electoral college. As Blow puts it succinctly,

The White House should be the Republicans’ for the taking. And it would look more likely if their current crop of front-runners weren’t so utterly inept and fallible.