Sunday, October 30, 2011

Community hearing: OCCUPY The HOOD / OCCUPY MILWAUKEE Oppose Senate Bill 207 « Larry Miller's Blog: #ows

Community hearing: OCCUPY The HOOD / OCCUPY MILWAUKEE Oppose Senate Bill 207 « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!:

Community hearing: OCCUPY The HOOD / OCCUPY MILWAUKEE Oppose Senate Bill 207

WISCONSIN- We are in a state of emergency. The employment crisis will take yet another hit if Senate Bill 207(SB 207) is passed. This bill has already sped through the Assembly (AB 286), reached the Senate table, and will be passed if not challenged immediately. SB 207 gives employers the right to legally discriminate against over 62,000 Wisconsin residents.

Occupy the Hood, a coalition of organizations and individuals, is demanding that politicians put reelection hopes aside and represent the best interests of the people. This current piece of legislation is reflective of the solidarity between politicians, corporations, and other employers that are aligned in the exploitation of the working class. The overall unemployment rate in Wisconsin is already a staggering 7.9% and in Milwaukee County alone 9.2% of people are without work. In these trying economic times, Governor Scott Walker promised 250,000 jobs, but