Saturday, October 29, 2011

Check out My Very First Powerpoint...On Teacher Evaluation and Non-Traditional Testing - Dana Goldstein

Check out My Very First Powerpoint...On Teacher Evaluation and Non-Traditional Testing - Dana Goldstein:

Check out My Very First Powerpoint...On Teacher Evaluation and Non-Traditional Testing

Here is the presentation I made this morning to the Columbia/New York Times conference for education reporters on testing. It details how I reported my April 2011 feature for The American Prospect, "The Test Generation," which is about two different models in Colorado for evaluating teachers and measuring student growth--one of which includes a controversial effort to administer pencil-and-paper tests in art, music, and physical education. I think you'll get the most out of the Powerpoint if you read the article first. Enjoy...and if you have questions about my reporting process or about teacher evaluation, please leave them in the comments section!