Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brown shapes, signs Race to Top entry | Thoughts on Public Education

Brown shapes, signs Race to Top entry | Thoughts on Public Education:

Brown shapes, signs Race to Top entry

State hopes feds agree with a different approach
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

After keeping child education advocates and his own staff in suspense for months, Gov. Jerry Brown approved the state’s application to the federal Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge on Wednesday – but not before shaping it in a way that will either turn off or intrigue federal officials and competition judges.

The Race to the Top scoring guidelines emphasize states’ policies to improve learning and development programs for young children. But, consistent with Brown’s philosophy of letting 1,000 local districts – or, in this case, 16 regional consortia – bloom in a state as big and diverse as California, the application calls for turning over key decisions and 85 percent of