Monday, October 17, 2011

Brooklyn PS students stage protest: Kids act out need for Ed. reform with musical in Zuccotti Park #ows

Brooklyn PS students stage protest: Kids act out need for Ed. reform with musical in Zuccotti Park:

Brooklyn PS students stage protest: Kids act out need for Ed. reform with musical in Zuccotti Park

Monday, October 17th 2011, 4:00 AM

Reg Flowers, a senior collaborator for Falcon Works Artists Group, aims to raise awareness about education issues by incorporating students into his performances.
Ken Murray/News
Reg Flowers, a senior collaborator for Falcon Works Artists Group, aims to raise awareness about education issues by incorporating students into his performances.

Wall Street needs reform, but so do classrooms.

That was a Brooklyn theater group's message Sunday as it performed scenes from a musical version of a famed educator's book across from Zuccotti Park.

"The argument is very academic, but the ideas are easy to understand," said Reg Flowers, a senior collaborator for Falcon Works Artists Group. "Our goal is to raise awareness about education."

The Red Hook-based group, which consists of several middle schoolers, explored how standardized tests and reading requirements in public schools can prevent students from learning.

The group has launched an online Kickstarter campaign to raise money fo

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