Thursday, October 13, 2011

Book Giveaway: Creating the Opportunity to Learn … by Boykin and Noguera | The Jose Vilson

Book Giveaway: Creating the Opportunity to Learn … by Boykin and Noguera | The Jose Vilson:

Book Giveaway: Creating the Opportunity to Learn … by Boykin and Noguera

Creating the Opportunity to Learn: Moving from Research to Practice to Close the Achievement Gap by A. Wade Boykin and Pedro Noguera

Hello and welcome to this installment of The Jose Vilson Book Giveaway, where I’ll do my best to offer the latest and greatest books I can scrounge up … and all for free.

< whooping and hollering here >

This week, I’m offering a book for any and all contestants who wish to participate. Before I continue, though …

The rules are as follows:

1. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post with the words: “You can’t stop my go. I been born to be where I am.”

2. Hit “Like” in my fan page Jose Vilson (and leave the same comment on my page!).

That’s IT!

The last day to enter your comment is Thursday, October 20th, 2011 at 11:59pm. A winner will be randomly selected from all the commenters. Multiple entries are not allowed. Once you win, I’ll contact you directly with further details. Please make sure you respond quickly (within 48 hours of my choosing the winner), or you’ll lose the drawing.

The book I’m giving away in this entry is Creating the Opportunity to Learn: Moving from Research to Practice to Close the Achievement Gap by A. Wade Boykin and Pedro Noguera. I reviewed the book recently and I like it already. Here’s a few things I said then:

“To a teacher, some of these strategies seem obvious, but they don’t settle for the seemingly understood or ostensible. They dig deeper into the psychology of these strategies and why they’re so important. Unlike some research reviewers who settle for just aggregating their colleagues’ work, Boykin and Noguera hope to make a meaningful discourse in which all can participate. Unlike some researchers who only speak in professorial language when bringing up suggestions about their work, this duo prefers to clearly define and explicate these rather complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. The one piece that some educators might have asked for from Boykin and Noguera is the how, meaning how the ideas they proffer look like for the average teacher on a day-to-day basis. While there are some specific examples of these models in the book, the day-to-day narratives of how these practices look like daily would be useful if not necessary.”

It’s got real talk. Also included is actual advice from students. A well-rounded book in my opinion.

For more information, ASCD has:

· Select sample chapters from the book here;
· A free study guide that goes along with the book here; and
· A recorded Talks with an Author interview featuring Wade and Pedro here;

I’ve added this as my first full book on my iPad, so you know it’s good. Good luck to all the contestants!

ASCD in no way sanctioned this giveaway, but because I’m a rebel, I’m having it anyways. Yes sir!

Jose, who’s got a few more like these …

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