Thursday, October 6, 2011

5 Lessons from the Save Our Schools & AERO Conferences | IDEA

5 Lessons from the Save Our Schools & AERO Conferences | IDEA:

5 Lessons from the Save Our Schools & AERO Conferences

by Melia Dicker in The Landscape

It is summer conference season. Oh yes, it is summer conference season.

As you may have noticed from our social media updates, the IDEA team has been traveling all over creation for the past couple of months. Last month Dana Bennis flew to Devon, England, for the 19th annual International Democratic Education Conference, while Scott Nine went to Providence, Rhode Island, for Free Minds, Free People. Earlier this month, Scott and I traveled to Washington, D.C., for the Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action. A few days later, the entire IDEA staff and much of the rest of our team (board members, interns, and organizers) convened in Portland, Oregon, for the 8th annaul AERO Conference.

Is your head spinning yet? Mine is. I feel exhausted, but energized at the same time.

At IDEA, we're committed to sharing the knowledge of the landscape that we gain from traveling, so I'd like to sum up my reflections on the SOS and AERO gatherings and share a few takeaways. The interpretations of