Sunday, September 18, 2011

Who Is Backing Teach for America, Inc. in Seattle? | Seattle Education

Who Is Backing Teach for America, Inc. in Seattle? | Seattle Education:

Who Is Backing Teach for America, Inc. in Seattle?

From Publicola last week.

The school board tabled a motion earlier this week to hire two Teach for America recruits. Teach for America sends idealistic young folks to teach in inner city and low-income districts all around the country.The board didn’t go for it because one prerequisite the board had set for hiring TFA teachers (a controversial move to start with because TFA teachers aren’t certified) was disclosing where the funding comes from. TFA charges a $4,000 fee for every teacher they deliver and private donors who support getting TFA teachers in Seattle schools said they would cover the cost.

Under questioning from board members Michael DeBell and Sherry Carr, Superintendent Susan