Saturday, September 17, 2011

When is a PLC, not a PLC? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

When is a PLC, not a PLC? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!:

When is a PLC, not a PLC?

As I have mentioned many times before, I went to the PLCSummit 2011 in Arizona, and became enlightened about what a PLC school really “looked” like. My former principal allowed us to come back and share what we learned with our teams and the staff. As we continued through the year, I felt really good about what we are doing, and how we were doing it.

However, with our new administrator, I question the validity of our PLC, it seems we have taken a step backwards. We have been assured that if we have concerns, we should let them be known, but I wanted to check with my PLC PLN, before I made that move, to see if my concerns had any validity. Below is a list of changes to our PLC that have me concerned. I know every principal is