Monday, September 26, 2011

What American Schools Just Don’t Understand (Or, Why My Family Might be Moving to Finland) « MomsRising Blog

What American Schools Just Don’t Understand (Or, Why My Family Might be Moving to Finland) « MomsRising Blog:

What American Schools Just Don’t Understand (Or, Why My Family Might be Moving to Finland)

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in December, and we just might be moving to Finland within the next few years–unless schools around here get better soon. And by “better,” I don’t mean that they start churning out higher test scores.

I want my daughter to go to a school where she can get her hands dirty. Where she can run around during the day. Where she can push her physical limits as well as the bounds of her own creativity. Where she can learn her reading, writing, and arithmetic but also essential life skills.

A Finnish school sounds like just the place.

For years now, American schools have been busy eliminating art and music, cutting back on P.E. and recess,