Thursday, September 1, 2011 Alpert's Out for a While, But School Reporting Is Still In Education:

Alpert's Out for a While, But School Reporting Is Still In
Dearest readers: I'm going to Bolivia for a fellowship with the International Reporting Project, a nonprofit that provides opportunities for U.S. journalists to report on issues that aren't often covered in the U.S. media.
I'll be gone from the beginning of September to early November. But that doesn't mean that our education reporting is coming to a halt. Will Carless will be picking up the education beat while I'm gone. I can't think of anyone better to do it. Please send him all your tips and suggestions, and be just as welcoming to him as you were to me in my newbie days.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about what I'm up to in Bolivia, keep an eye on the International Reporting Project website. I'm focusing on education reform under President Evo Morales and may also branch into other topics while I'm there. My work will not run in, but my wonderful boss has given me the freedom to pursue this opportunity and expand my horizons. (By the way, thanks, wonderful boss.) See you in November!
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