Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vallas vs. Ackerman « City School Stories

Vallas vs. Ackerman « City School Stories:

Vallas vs. Ackerman

You’ve Got to be Kidding

Submitted by Frank Murphy on September 8, 2011

On September 6, 2011, Kristen Graham, education reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, posted an e-mail that she received from Paul Vallas on her blog at Philly School Files. His email was an attempt to set the record straight regarding his accomplishments during his time as the chief executive officer of the Philadelphia School District.

Through this communication, Vallas was responding to the accusation that the city’s schools were in terrible shape when Arlene Ackerman succeeded him as the District’s leader. You can read Paul Vallas’ email here.

This negative claim against Vallas was made in a video tribute to Arlene Ackerman. In the video,