Monday, September 26, 2011

Torlakson: Waiver to cost billions | Thoughts on Public Education

Torlakson: Waiver to cost billions | Thoughts on Public Education:

Torlakson: Waiver to cost billions - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson didn’t rule out President Obama’s invitation to seek a state waiver from the No Child Left Behind Act, but he definitely sounded negative in his first public statement on the idea. “We are carefully examining the proposal, which would appear to cost billions of dollars to fully implement, at [...]

A much needed shift away from rating schools on test results alone - by Peter Schrag

It probably could have been predicted a decade ago. The way the American political system judges schools – indeed the whole center of gravity of educational accountability – is shifting again. From a rigid reliance on test-based numbers, which was the fashion of the big state and federal education laws of the George W. Bush [...]