Friday, September 16, 2011

Tom King's Blog of De-Fog!: Better Learning for ALL!:Locking the Locker Room Door!

Tom King's Blog of De-Fog!: Better Learning for ALL!:Locking the Locker Room Door!:

Better Learning for ALL!:Locking the Locker Room Door!

Just like the weather these days, everybody talks about educational reform, but almost nobody does anything about it. Except for maybe a ray of sunshine here and a thunderstorm there, schools and the kids in them continue pretty much as Horace Mann started them almost 200 years ago.

Sad, isn't it? We know a lot more about how kids learn, but we rarely can do anything about it. We have more tools for learning than ever before, but even when we have them (which is also far too rare), the teachers haven't been trained in how to use them.

Now there are a few dozen exceptions to this tragic pickle jar we find ourselves in, some schools with staff and kids that have leapt ahead in their teaching and learning. Most don't last for long. Leaders leave, teachers burn