Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week In Education: Coaching: Even Veterans & Star Teachers Could Benefit

This Week In Education: Coaching: Even Veterans & Star Teachers Could Benefit:

Coaching: Even Veterans & Star Teachers Could Benefit

image from scholasticadministrator.typepad.comRemember that New Yorker story about coaching I recommended a few days ago just because it was about coaching (What Makes Top Performers Better?)? Well it turns out that the long feature article actually focuses in part on on school-based coaching of teachers in Albermarle County, Virginia, where veterans as well as novices can get help and you get to see oone math teacher who's class is observed and dissected.

The description of the lesson and the debrief are yet another reminder of just how excruciatingly intricate classroom teaching is, how exceedingly sensitive coaches have to be in order to be effective at what is essentially teaching another adult, and a reminder about the issue of "deliberate