Sunday, September 25, 2011

Smacking Down Margaret Spellings | Scathing Purple Musings

Smacking Down Margaret Spellings | Scathing Purple Musings:

Smacking Down Margaret Spellings

Last weekend’s Huffington Post piece by Bush-era Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings was a remarkable exercise in condescension and self-righteousness. Her mischaracterizations of teachers was unprecedented and representative of someone who never should have been in such a position of power in the first place. Writing in the Washington Examiner, Kansas teacher David Reber responds to Spellings in a manner appropriate to her airy missive:

Ms. Spellings, you proudly talk of your visits with minority parents; and how you learned that minority parents have high hopes and dreams for their kids “…no different than those of white parents….”.

Ms. Spellings, I believe that anyone who must be told that minority parents want the best for their kids has NO business accusing others of “soft bigotry.”

Speaking of bigotry, I believe you need a lesson on how your beloved charter schools are re-