Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Slekar Family Stands Up and Opts Out - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

The Slekar Family Stands Up and Opts Out - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

The Slekar Family Stands Up and Opts Out

Recently we have heard news of more and more parents taking a stand against standardized testing, acting in what they believe to be the best interests of their children. Two of the leaders of this movement are Tim and Michelle Slekar, of Pennsylvania. I asked them if they would share their perspective.

What led you and your wife to take a public stand on opting out?

Tim Slekar: There is a simple answer and then there are all the academic and philosophical reasons. Let's start with the simple answer. Last year my wife (Michelle) and I went in for a parent teacher conference with one of Luke's teachers. We were concerned because he was really starting to demonstrate some negative attitudes towards reading and language arts. During the conference it became very obvious why he was having issues. While I was talking about the fragile nature of literacy and middle school boys, Luke's teacher spoke up and rather candidly said, "I understand what you are saying but my job is to get Luke ready for the PSSA. I don't have time to teach literature." Michelle walked out and I stayed to point out all the research that essentially