Thursday, September 15, 2011

Schools Matter: Broad's Deborah Gist Out to Make Teacher Certification Decisions in RI Based on Test Scores

Schools Matter: Broad's Deborah Gist Out to Make Teacher Certification Decisions in RI Based on Test Scores:

Broad's Deborah Gist Out to Make Teacher Certification Decisions in RI Based on Test Scores

The Oligarchs' diversified portfolio of assaults on public education is in full operation, and it is largely directed by Eli Broad's trainees, who have been placed in superintendents' chairs from Los Angeles to Chicago to Providence, RI to Raleigh to Boston, with stops in between. In many cases, as in Boston, the Broadies provide the personnel, while Bill and Melinda provide the software, if you will. More later on the new BPS "Gates Compact."

The latest leak from the the Broad/Gates septic think tank is a real doozie. Rhode Island's Ed Commish, Deborah Gist (Broad Class of '08), just put forward her boss's most extreme use yet of teacher test scores yet. While other states like Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Florida are working overtime to make the unconscionable, workable with new teacher evaluations based on test scores, the Broadies have taken the destruction of the teaching profession one step further in Providence. If the Broad plan passes public examination, which is going on this month, even teacher certification will be based on test scores, thus