Sunday, September 11, 2011

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Big Race To Top investor involved in the Solyndra "green energy" scandal

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Big Race To Top investor involved in the Solyndra "green energy" scandal:

Big Race To Top investor involved in the Solyndra "green energy" scandal

George Kaiser
I'm following a brewing Enron-type scandal involving the White House and Solyndra, one of the many corporations getting in on the so-called green-energy (new meaning for that word green) gold rush and the recipient of more than $500 million in Dept. of Energy taxpayer supported, loan guarantees. Solyndra was touted by President Obama as the model for government investment in green technology.

An FBI raid on solar-panel maker Solyndra Inc. may signal the escalation of a probe into the Obama administration’s entire clean- energy program. Solyndra recently shut its factory and fired 1,100 people and said in its filing for bankruptcy protection that it had liabilities of $783.8 million.

I'm particularly interested in the Solyndra scandal, not only because of the ease in which a politically connected,