Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School Tech Connect: Semi-Annual Technology Post

School Tech Connect: Semi-Annual Technology Post:

Semi-Annual Technology Post

In homage to the title of this blog, I will now post my occasional technology post. In a word, wow.
While your district tech team wrestles with the earth-shattering decision over whether kids should write their five-paragraph essay in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, kids could be doing and learning like Sylvia. While you bathe in the warmth of your PLN with self-congratulatory tweets, Sylvia is sharing serious expertise with the world.
Nice writing. Gary probably gets invited to even fewer teacher parties than I do. I myself came to computing late in life, and I'm still really only interested in more of what I would call the consumer end, but I have to admit, this kid with the robotics controller has me hooked. I want to go and build something. As for the ISTE Standards?