Monday, September 26, 2011

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Words Have Meaning

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Words Have Meaning:

Words Have Meaning

I say that often here - words have meaning. I bring this up because I have noticed over the last week or so some wording being used here that is pointed at the person and not the argument. It both hurts this blog and the argument when that happens.

There is also some unsaid (but implied) arguments that aren't really helpful.

I noticed things like:
  • someone saying he/she is open-minded (and implying that others aren't). Opposing ed reform doesn't mean you aren't open-minded to new ideas in education. For example, I think most everyone here would agree that technology - both in teaching and learning - is and is going to be, a larger part of the education picture. That's a new idea that has gotten stronger and stronger.
  • I especially dislike the implication that if you aren't for new trends in education, you are for the status