Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

I am so proud to be a teacher this morning as I read about my striking colleagues in Tacoma, Washington.

Friday was the fourth day of the strike. In the face of a court order to return to work, 93% of the teachers voted to stay on the picket lines.

So far the teachers have the support of the community, according to a recent poll.

But the longer the strike goes on, the tougher it will be to hold on to that support. That’s just the way it is.

They are striking to defend seniority as the fair system for teacher reassignment. This has become an important issue as some Tacoma schools have closed.

If you read this blog regularly, you know how I feel about the value of seniority, when the alternative is

Old school.

Bruce Springsteen.