Thursday, September 29, 2011

Regular Teachers, Regular Schools - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Regular Teachers, Regular Schools - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

Regular Teachers, Regular Schools

So--who's watching Education Nation this week?

My friends (a group with a disproportionately large percentage of teachers) are neatly divided into two camps: the folks who thought last year's Education Nation was such a smarmy, hyped-up caricature of "journalism" that they're avoiding the whole thing in favor of grading papers or watching baseball--and those who are watching, hoping fervently that NBC will have learned something from their heartfelt complaints / letters / tweets / blogs. Call them education's jaded pessimists and earnest optimists.

I've been watching, too--sporadically, not compulsively. A look at the list of sponsoring organizations was enough to tell me what I needed to know about truth, social justice and the American way at (drum roll) Education Nation