Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reasons Against Chicago's Longer School Day - Bridging Differences - Education Week

Reasons Against Chicago's Longer School Day - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

Reasons Against Chicago's Longer School Day

Dear Diane,

It's a conspiracy to wear us down! Every day a new, dumb idea becomes a brilliant reform, and the next day it's implemented. So we keep trying to put out fires, when we also need to spend time thinking about how we got here and where we should be going. I'm stumped at how we do this with virtually no financial resources to fight against ideas that have incredible wealth behind them.

Yes, as the wise ancient Greeks said (and here I don't quote): There's no point in giving powerless people a vote and pretending it's democracy. That's why they didn't do it. That's why our brilliant founding fathers didn't do it either—the vote was reserved for white, land-owning males. All others, in the founders' view, had neither the leisure nor the freedom to govern themselves wisely!

We won that battle on behalf of property-less citizens, people of color, and women. But we didn't confront the