Sunday, September 11, 2011

Re-Imagining Lennon's "Imagine" by Timothy Riley |

Re-Imagining Lennon's "Imagine" by Timothy Riley |:

Re-Imagining Lennon’s “Imagine” by Timothy Riley

John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a haunting, powerful song I’ve loved since I first heard it. It challenges the listener to question bedrock assumptions about religion, country, and ownership. In contrast, Timothy Riley’s revamp of “Imagine” is not nearly as challenging. Think about it. He asks only that you imagine recalling Scott Walker. Scott Walker is just a man. Below is an instrumental to play and lyrics for “Re-Imagining Lennon’s ‘Imagine’”. Sing along. I hope a few artists will pull together their own videos of themselves performing this song to share. (Thank you to covfrog of YouTube for the beautiful piano playing, here.) Imagine no more Walker it isn’t hard to do No one to bash the unions and no suppression too; Imagine we the people showing him the door Imagine