Thursday, September 15, 2011

Praise for peer evaluations | Thoughts on Public Education

Praise for peer evaluations | Thoughts on Public Education:

Praise for peer evaluations

San Juan, Poway use teachers to assess other teachers
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Contrary to the common belief that teachers cannot evaluate their peers objectively – and shouldn’t try to – in San Juan Unified “consulting teachers” do just that for a teacher who received a principal’s unsatisfactory review. In Poway Unified, specially assigned teachers not only evaluate struggling tenured teachers but also new, probationary teachers.

In both districts the teachers pass on their findings to a board composed of teachers and administrators whose recommendation whether that teacher should be retained or fired has invariably been accepted by the superintendent.

The programs in Poway and San Juan, known as Peer Assistance and Review, not only