Thursday, September 1, 2011

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » “Reformers” next target: “one-size-fits-all” democracy

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » “Reformers” next target: “one-size-fits-all” democracy:

“Reformers” next target: “one-size-fits-all” democracy

Now that they’ve had some success destroying public education, the school reform privateers are setting their sights on something even more precious and fundamental to our nation – our democracy.

You see, democracy is “messy” and “one-size-fits-all” and has a pesky habit of getting in the way of even more mega profits and oligarchic* control, which the Bill Gateses and Eli Broads feel is their due.

Last week, former Chicago Tribune honcho James Warren wrote this in an editorial about how to fix schools for his new news outlet, the Chicago News Cooperative:

There is…a conspicuously unmentioned player: local school councils. In hiring and dismissing principals, they can be democracy run amok.