Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An odd way to honor teachers - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

An odd way to honor teachers - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

An odd way to honor teachers

It would be somewhat churlish to criticize any attempt to honor public school teachers just when they feel under assault by the modern school reform movement — including Monday night’s glitzy celebration for some D.C. teachers at the Kennedy Center.

But it seems fair to ask whether a fancy event at the city’s leading arts venue — complete with big-time supporters (including The Washington Post Company) — is really the best or even appropriate way to celebrate teachers and their profession.

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Where the Common Core State Standards fall short

This was written by Jeffrey N. Golub, a teacher, author and consultant in Seattle. He was for 13 years an associate professor of English education at the University of South Florida and for 20 years a junior high and high school teacher who won several teaching excellence awards. A version of this post was originally published on Anthony Cody’s blog, Living in Dialogue, published on the Education Week Teacher site.

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