Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Northwest Conference on Teaching for Social Justice | Seattle Education

The Northwest Conference on Teaching for Social Justice | Seattle Education:

The Northwest Conference on Teaching for Social Justice

This is a conference not to be missed. All are invited.


On Saturday, October 1st, the Fourth Annual Northwest Conference on Teaching for Social Justice will take place at Chief Sealth International High School in Seattle, WA. The organizers are from four cities representing the Northwest — Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Portland. The conference is sponsored in part by award-winning Rethinking Schools magazine and the Washington Education Association (WEA).

The NWCTSJ has become the largest conference in the Northwest for teachers. Last year’s event attracted over 790 participants. This conference is all about inspiring teachers. It features workshops given by teachers who are chosen for their ability to interactively communicate practical tools for all learners in the classroom. Each workshop:

* Expresses a social justice perspective

* Is hands on and practical

* Gives participants a chance to talk to one another

This year’s conference keynote speaker is Karen Lewis, President of the 30,000 member Chicago Teachers Union, speaking on “Moving Toward Social Justice in These Hostile Times.” Special guest Stan Karp,Rethinking Schools editor and coordinator of the ‘Not Waiting for Supermen’ project will lead a workshop.

A large resource fair of local educationally centered non-profits will be tabling on site.

To register please visit