Monday, September 26, 2011

Newsflash! “Middle Class Schools” Score… uh…in the middle. Oops! No news here! « School Finance 101

Newsflash! “Middle Class Schools” Score… uh…in the middle. Oops! No news here! « School Finance 101:

Newsflash! “Middle Class Schools” Score… uh…in the middle. Oops! No news here!

I’ve already beaten the issue of the various flaws, misrepresentations and outright data abuse in the Third Way middle class report into the ground on this blog. And it’s really about time for that to end. Time to move on. But here is one simple illustration which draws on the same data compiled and aggregated in the Middle Class report on NAEP scores. For anyone reading this post who has not already read my others on the problems with the definition of “Middle Class,” and related data abuse & misuse please start there: