Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Campaign Gives Us All a Chance to Thank a Teacher - Education - GOOD

New Campaign Gives Us All a Chance to Thank a Teacher - Education - GOOD:

New Campaign Gives Us All a Chance to Thank a Teacher

Ever wish you had written a thank-you note to a teacher who made a profound difference in your life? Here's your chance to do it and have your letter published online. For the next month, the ThanksForTeaching.Us campaign will help current and former students publicly acknowledge the educators who inspired them.

The organizer of the effort, TBD, is known for a weekly email newsletter "that delivers one world shaking idea and one collective action to improve our future." They came up with back-to-school initiative because with budget cuts ravaging schools, "there’s no better time to bring the spotlight back on the teachers that make our classrooms thrive."

To acknowledge a teacher's role in shaping your dreams and passions, all you have to do is fill out one short and sweet submission form—there's one box for the teacher's name, one to answer the prompt "Thanks for," another