Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moving Forward While Romanticizing the Past? | Connected Principals

Moving Forward While Romanticizing the Past? | Connected Principals:

Moving Forward While Romanticizing the Past?

Image from

We often look to our past through a lens of ‘that is how things should be done today’. This past week I have read a few articles and posts about how we need to return to the old, better ways of doing things and how ‘kids these days’ are lazy and have such a sense of entitlement.

New math equals trouble, education expert says – Canada – CBC News (via David Wees – see David’s response here)

Inside the entitlement generation – The Globe and Mail

There are very few things that get me more frustrated than when I hear stereotyping of our future generations and the criticism of the new way of teaching. Cale Birk (@birklearns) wrote a brilliant post in response to the Globe