Friday, September 16, 2011

Modern School: Go Tacoma Go! Teachers Defy Judge’s Injunction

Modern School: Go Tacoma Go! Teachers Defy Judge’s Injunction:

Go Tacoma Go! Teachers Defy Judge’s Injunction

Tacoma teachers have defied a judge’s order to return to work, forcing the judge to back down. On Tuesday, a judge ordered all teachers back to work or face fines. The teachers ignored the ruling and continued their work stoppage.

Today, according to KOMO News, the same judge said he will not issue any fines and will give teachers until September 27 to reach a deal with their district, approximately the same that a hearing is scheduled to determine if there should be a permanent injunction against them striking.

In a very strong show of militancy, 93% of the 1,600 teachers voted to continue striking, in spite of the court order and the threats. The vote came before the judge conceded and agreed not to impose any fines,