Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mid-testing classes aided Sweetwater gains |

Mid-testing classes aided Sweetwater gains |

Mid-testing classes aided Sweetwater gains

District reviewed complaint, found ‘‘perception of impropriety’’ in intervention course

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What do you think happened with Sweetwater High test scores?

— Teachers at Sweetwater High School who had just given standardized tests to most of their students went on to teach a five-day, 20-hour intervention course during spring break for 226 low-performers.

The struggling students, pulled from initial testing in their weakest subject, took their exams in that subject after special training.

Administrators credit the intervention and other innovations with helping bring about a marked increase in scores. Still, an anonymous complaint was filed with the state saying the additional instruction amounted to illegal test preparation.

The district reviewed the complaint and found no wrongdoing, but will make changes next year — no more intervention courses during testing time, and no more spring break interrupting test-taking.