Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Key Conservative Smacks Romney for Siding with Arne Duncan | Scathing Purple Musings

Key Conservative Smacks Romney for Siding with Arne Duncan | Scathing Purple Musings:

Key Conservative Smacks Romney for Siding with Arne Duncan

There are few conservative commentators with the juice that Red State‘s Erick Erickson has. In a post this afternoon, Erickson clearly distinguished the clear differences between the education policies of presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Erickson sees that Romney supports the Barack Obama-Arne Duncan reforms while the Perry bristles at the intrusion of the federal government into state’s school system.

Romney said today at a campaign stop in Florida that “I think Secretary Duncan has done some good things. I hope that’s not heresy in this room.” Erickson is skeptical of Romney’s position and writes:

In other words, Mitt Romney is on the record supporting No Child Left Behind and Arne Duncan’s reforms geared toward discrediting Texas, but he would not support school choice and while he said he’d support charter schools he’d never meet with charter schools leaders.

What the hell does Mitt Romney believe in other than saying or doing anything right now to hurt Team Perry, including tacking to the left? But hey! At least in 1994 Mitt Romney supported the