Friday, September 23, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: St. Michelle's Tarnished Halo

Jersey Jazzman: St. Michelle's Tarnished Halo:

St. Michelle's Tarnished Halo

Oh, dear:
The District’s labor-management relations board has upheld an arbitrator’s decision ordering the D.C. Public Schools to rehire 75 new teachers fired in 2008 by then-Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee.
The Public Employee Relations Board, which rules on disputes between city agencies and labor unions, said in a Sept. 15 decision that arbitrator Charles Feigenbaum acted appropriately in February when he ordered the teachers reinstated with back pay, which could total as much as $7.5 million.
Feigenbaum said the dismissals were improper because the teachers, who were in their two-year probationary period, were not told why they were let go. He called it the “glaring and fatal flaw” in Rhee’s action.
You know, I have little doubt that at least some of these teachers should have been let go. So if she really cared