Sunday, September 4, 2011

GIVE THANKS ON LABOR DAY « Teachers Fight Back

GIVE THANKS ON LABOR DAY « Teachers Fight Back:


Eight hour day. Five day week. Job safety. Workers comp. Vacations. Overtime pay. Coffee breaks. Heated and cooled workplaces. Living wage. Nondiscrimination in the workplace. No child labor. Profit sharing. Lunch break. Employee health insurance. Pensions. Right to strike. Right to bargain collectively. Corporate accountability. Fire safety regulations. Drinkable water. Food and drug inspections. Consumer protections of various kinds. A large middle class. Sanitary conditions in the neighborhoods. Pollution controls. Civil rights. Voting rights. Womens’ rights.
A big thank you to the thousands of working men and women from 1870 to the 1960′s who achieved the above mentioned rights and dozens of others by forming labor unions and workplace organizations. Thanks to the