Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program

Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program:

The Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) administers the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) at the national level. Within participating States, FFVP is primarily administered through State Departments of Education. Texas and New Jersey are the exceptions, where FFVP is administered by their Departments of Agriculture.

FFVP can be an important catalyst for change in our efforts to combat childhood obesity by helping children learn more healthful eating habits. The Program has been successful in introducing school children to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample.

The various partnerships that FNS and State agencies have developed in the public and private sectors, as well as the dedicated work of school administrators, have contributed to the overall success and acceptance of the program. FFVP is consistent with and supports the recommendations of a recent report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to provide healthier snack choices in schools, including fruits and vegetables.