Friday, September 9, 2011

The Education Community Responds to the President’s Jobs Plan | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights

The Education Community Responds to the President’s Jobs Plan | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights:

The Education Community Responds to the President’s Jobs Plan

obriena's picture

Last night, President Obama revealed theAmerican Jobs Act, a framework that calls for strategic investments intended to both put Americans back to work and rebuild critical components of the country’s infrastructure.

One clear winner in his proposal is education. The President calls for $30 billion in new money to ward off teacher layoffs and $30 billion to modernize America’s schools. Administration officials estimate the money could save as many as 280,000 educators’ jobs and pay for makeovers to at least 35,000 public schools.

We at the Learning First Alliance applaud the President’s call to invest in schools and teachers. We support the President’s plan to put teachers back to work and invest in education infrastructure to make schools more efficient and innovative, and we urge Congress to support this plan, which will help improve public education for all children. Read our entire statementhere.

What did others in the education community (and LFA network) have to say?

Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association: President Obama clearly understands that quality education is the key to our nation’s future. He’s putting