Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Educated Reporter: SAT Scores Drop: Critical Reading Hits All-Time Low

The Educated Reporter: SAT Scores Drop: Critical Reading Hits All-Time Low:

SAT Scores Drop: Critical Reading Hits All-Time Low

Students who took the SAT last year posted the lowest average score on record in critical reading, and the average math score fell to its lowest point since 1995, the Associated Press reports.

But, like most education issues, there's more to the story than just the numbers.
An official at the College Board, which oversees the national exam, pointed to changing demographics among test-takers. The percentage of students coming from households where English was not the only language rose to 27 percent from 19 percent a decade ago.

A well-known critic of high-stakes exams, Fair Test's public education director Bob Schaeffer, doesn't buy a bigger testing pool as an excuse. He told the AP's Justin Pope that there have been other years with even bigger