Monday, September 26, 2011

The Educated Reporter: Getting Colleges Students to Turn Off and Tune In

The Educated Reporter: Getting Colleges Students to Turn Off and Tune In:

Getting Colleges Students to Turn Off and Tune In

College students don’t need expensive big-ticket items to be successful academically, according to the Boston Globe’s online news site, which recently ran a list of seven unnecessary items courtesy of Kiplinger’s.
The list included a car, a high-powered computer (unless the student’s major demanded it) and signing up for the dining hall’s full meal plan.
Having spent the past year at the University of Michigan auditing classes as a Knight-Wallace Fellow, I’d like to add something else– Internet access in the lecture halls.
I’ve listened to some brilliant professors talk about everything from the fight between Horace Mann and the Boston Masters to how subcultures of dissent are appropriated by advertisers and sold to the masses. From my vantage point in the higher rows, I often saw dozens of “real” students with their laptops open and linked to