Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Editorials | Anti-teacher union bills will hurt schools | The Detroit News

Editorials | Anti-teacher union bills will hurt schools | The Detroit News:

Anti-teacher union bills will hurt schools

Steven Cook

Right now, Republican politicians are more intent on attacking teachers and other school employees than doing anything that is proven to help students or create jobs.

Unlimited charter and cyber schools. Mandatory "schools of choice." Outsourcing teachers. Back-door school vouchers. And a litany of anti-union measures that are more political payback than sound policy.

The net effect of all this? The destruction of neighborhood schools and the undermining of the middle class.

The financial impact of recently introduced bills will be devastating on neighborhood schools as more money is siphoned off to unproven charters and cyber schools, as well as dual enrollment programs that will benefit a small number of students.

This comes on the heels of the $1 billion that lawmakers cut from public education while they agreed to a massive $1.8 billion tax break for corporations and CEOs.

These bills also represent an effort by Lansing politicians to take local control from school districts and

From The Detroit News: