Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ed Next’s triple-normative leap! Does the “Global Report Card” tell us anything? « School Finance 101

Ed Next’s triple-normative leap! Does the “Global Report Card” tell us anything? « School Finance 101:

Ed Next’s triple-normative leap! Does the “Global Report Card” tell us anything?

Imagine trying to determine international rankings for tennis players or soccer teams entirely by a) determining how they rank relative to the average team or player in their country, then b) having only the average team or player from each country play each other in a tournament, then c) estimating how the top teams would rank when compared with each other based only on how their country’s average teams did when they played each other and how much better we think the individual teams or players are when compared to the average team or player in their country? Probably not that precise or even accurate, ya’ think?

Jay Greene and Josh McGee have produced a nifty new report and search tool that allows the average American Joe and Jane to see how their child’s local public school districts would stack up if one were to magically