Saturday, September 17, 2011

Democurmudgeon: Would you call Vouchers Successful, based on enrollment?

Democurmudgeon: Would you call Vouchers Successful, based on enrollment?:

Would you call Vouchers Successful, based on enrollment?

The headline screamed success: "School voucher program proving to be a success"

Wow, a voucher program that was working...stop the presses!! But wait, we're not talking graduation rates, closing the racial gap and test scores, we're really talking about how many unsuspecting parents are buying into this hyperbolic scheme. Check out this outrageous example of spin based on nothing but enrollment:
Indiana's controversial and highly debated school voucher program is working as hoped and is exceeding expectations. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett claimed enrollment has taken off like no other similar program in the country.

But the darker side is inadvertently revealed mid story in a warning to parents of a coming affordability disaster that will only get worse as private school costs and profits go through the roof. The end result; low and middle