Monday, September 19, 2011

Creating Innovators with “Outlier teachers:” A sneak peek at Tony Wagner’s new book | Connected Principals

Creating Innovators with “Outlier teachers:” A sneak peek at Tony Wagner’s new book | Connected Principals:

Creating Innovators with “Outlier teachers:” A sneak peek at Tony Wagner’s new book

Dad, there’s your favorite word again,” my son calls out, a tad cynically, when we are driving to school listening to NPR and a reporter uses the word innovation. I am aware that my son, and others, believe this word has become too much of a buzz-word and perhaps a fad, too often so broadly defined that it becomes generic, empty in content, and devoid of true significance.

But, I refuse to be deterred.

Like Tom Friedman in the New York Times, President Obama, and many others, I think the word and the concept capture and describe something both wonderful and incredibly important in our world today– and in fact, more