Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Collaboration: The missing link in reform? | EdNewsColorado

Collaboration: The missing link in reform? | EdNewsColorado:

Collaboration: The missing link in reform?

Mark Sass, a teacher since 1994, teaches at Legacy High School in the Adams Five Star School District.

Well, here it is, “The Missing Link in School Reform.” That’s the title at least to a very intriguing article in theStanford Social Innovation Review. The sub heading to the article states “In trying to improve American public schools, educators, policymakers, and philanthropists are overselling the role of the highly skilled individual teacher and undervaluing the benefits that come from teacher collaboration.”

Personally, I have known for years now that collaboration is key for schools to be successful. This is based on my own experience at my school, and it has been touted by educators like Rick DuFour and his take on Professional Learning Communities. But now we have some good empirical evidence to support this.

The authors of the study looked at more than 1,000 fourth- and fifth-grade teachers in the New York City Public