Monday, September 26, 2011

Circular Reasoning at the Gates: Education Nation off to a Confusing Start - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Circular Reasoning at the Gates: Education Nation off to a Confusing Start - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Circular Reasoning at the Gates: Education Nation off to a Confusing Start

Last September NBC brought us the first Education Nation, developed in coordination with the release of the pro-charter documentary, Waiting For Superman. The network ran into a few bumps in the road, catching flak when itwas pointed out that panels were loaded with "superheroes" like Michelle Rhee, and critical voices like Diane Ravitch, and those of classroom teachers, were largely absent.

This year, NBC has made an effort to be a bit more balanced and inclusive of teachers voices, and the Teacher Town Hall yesterday made a start in that direction.

On a stage dominated by the largest golden hood ornament I have ever seen, Brian Williams interviewed mostly teachers, while Tamron Hall roamed about the audience taking comments from the crowd.

The comments from the teachers present are worth a listen, but my mind kept dwelling on the interview with